A very special neighbourhood
A very special neighbourhood
This program focuses on the kids going through the design process of a space of their house. The idea is that they will use leftover materials they bring from home, or that are at the school, to recreate the different objects and materials that compose a space. By the end of the day all the maquettes will form a very special neighbourhood created by the kids. The workshop can extend throughout many days in which we will continue expanding the neighbourhood further into other spaces of the city.
Groepen: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Dagindeling: Full day and half day
Thema's: Ontwerpen, Kunst
Benodigdheden: Disposable materials from home: Paper, cardboard, plastics, fabrics, etc. Glue and scissors.
Kosten: €505
Programma overzicht
This program focuses on the kids going through the design process of a space of their house. The idea is that they will use leftover materials they bring from home, or that are at the school, to recreate the different objects and materials that compose a space. By the end of the day all the maquettes will form a very special neighbourhood created by the kids. The workshop can extend throughout many days in which we will continue expanding the neighbourhood further into other spaces of the city.
. Presentation of each other.
. Digital presentation of the program for the day: What does an Interior designer do? What are leftover materials? What are maquettes?
. Kids make a sketch of the space they will make a maquette of.
. Kids start building up.
. Continue building up until one hour before the end of the class.
. Clean up.
. Presentation of the built maquettes to each other.
. Closure: What did we learn today?
Kerndoel 37
De leerlingen leren zich te gedragen vanuit respect voor algemeen aanvaarde waarden en normen.
Kerndoel 44
De leerlingen leren bij producten uit hun eigen omgeving relaties te leggen tussen de werking, de vorm en het materiaalgebruik.
Over de KeK-er
The idea of this workshop is that the kids will build a very special neighbourhood together. Each student will recreate a space from their house with leftover materials. Throughout the day we will explore the stages of an interior design project and expand the creativity by working with materials to build maquettes.
Meer informatie